As we say goodbye to this past year and prepare to sail into the new one, I want to take moment and reflect on what a year it has been. I truly believe that in order for us to move forward, it is wise to see where we have come from with open eyes, a grateful heart, and sense of accomplishment, staking our claim to fame with our rose colored glasses and flags of honor.

This is mine and Erick’s journey of 2016 and beyond!!

Winter 2016

At the beginning of the year into I found myself fascinated with organization, making lists, tracking projects, capturing my thoughts, inspiration and figuring out ways to balance my entire life using the 8 spokes of the wheel of life. While there was a lot of tests, and experimenting I can honestly say that I found a system that works for me to a T.

I started with a process called the bullet journal which worked OK for tracking projects and holding notes but left out the creativity that I was craving. You can get the gist of it here

This led me to a little more creative approach where I found myself mixing up my “journal” (Yuck I do not LOVE that word one bit it sounds so stuffy) so lets just call it MY PERSONAL PROCESS for now, where I included a page for Books to read, movies to watch, sacred space to de-clutter, craft ideas, program/class ideas and my favorite DREAM SPACE (where I would cut paste and write inspirational words for that day, month or even year) And so much more.


My dream space intentions for 2016

Over all I was looking for a way to capture everything and I mean everything that was important enough to me to write down, track, schedule and make sure that I did not lose it in a pile of papers. Now I know, many of you use your fancy little apps and devices to do that for you, but I am old school, and I really need an honest to good piece of paper and pen/pencil in my hand (However, on one of my organization to-do pages-I do have “Look into organization apps for phone” but I’m not chomping at the bit to do that just yet. (:

Spring 2016

The Spring brought a much needed sojourn trip to Florida, North Carolina and Berkley Springs Maryland with our new “2012 Hyundai Santa Fe”. We had not been to visit Erick’s Mom in years and we both agreed it was high time to do so, we stayed a week in “The Villages” while also visiting some of my dolphin friends in St. Augustine where I  pet and fed those magnificent creatures of love and light.

dolphinsThen we headed towards our favorite “Retirement Mountain Home” in the hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where we took in the scenery of Pisgah mountain at 5000 feet, walked in the historic down town black mountain, and visited the super special Crystal Visions Metaphysical shop that I fell in love with 8 years ago. Can you say pitter patter, I still to this day say that my heart may be in upstate NY but I left my soul in NC and I am going back to claim it some day.


Standing on top of Mt. Pisgah at 5000 feet

As always, a trip like that “does something to the psyche, your energy field and the vibrational level of your entire “being” and little did we know that on some subtle level big changes were occurring once we got back home that in many ways we feel was some how ignited from this trip.

This trip was also where I created my full “Initiation into the Temple of the Goddess” program that you can learn about here:

Summer 2016

The Summer brought sad news as we were informed that the owner of the building that Heart Centered Living was operating out of, became very sick and we ended up having to close down the building so he could resell it. That put quite a whammy on the whole “Heart Light Center of Healing and Creativity”which was operating quite nicely with services, classes, and many family friendly events.

img_6992But as the universe would have it, that was not in the cards for us at the time, and while many would say when one door closes another one opens, when you are in it, and I mean really in it-it is super hard to see that door even if it was hitting you in the face while opening and closing. So I was wounded pretty deep and I needed complete healing time and going within to figure out what to do next.

With beautiful nature hikes at the local park and many days spent at Green wood in meditation, writing, intending and creating, I started to find my mojo again, and the love lost was being transformed into something else. img_7302That was the summer I learned that in order to survive, I needed to engage in regular sessions with Mother Nature and My Inner Child and if I could weave the two into my self-sacred care time-then wow was I in heaven. That when I would go a week or two without either I was not a happy camper to say the least.


Fall 2016

The fall brought an even deeper awareness of healing in the forms of our desire to move out of our current busy home and into a place that brought us more peace, and quiet. While that search for another place started towards the end of the summer, it really picked up in the fall as I would spend days in the Horseheads/Elmira and Watkins Glenn area teaching Shamanic classes and doing healing work out there.


Mark Twain Study at Elmira College

It seemed each time we would drive out to that area there was a bitter sweet sense of familiarity and we would meet more and more people that seemed to be a part of our tribe and wanted us closer to them as well.

While we spent several months looking at various places with the generous help and assistance from many other friends; at Thanksgiving; we both had resigned to the fact that we would not be moving until next year because it was getting harder and harder to find a place that suited our budget as well as our needs and old man winter was a coming.


Our future residence and Heart Light Center for healing, creativity and spirituality

Well, the universe had a different plan for Erick and I as well as the future of the Heart Light Center of Healing, Creativity and Spirituality. 4 Days after Thanksgiving, we found our dream home on the real estate site, and that following weekend when we drove out so that I could speak at a spiritual service in that area, we visited our dream home, and put an offer in the next day.

No matter how hard you THINK you know whats best for you, in the end you get what you need when you are in direct alignment with love and open yourself up to receive it and so it is and so it will be in all ways and always.

The Cinderella Story of a life time

We are blessed beyond words to announce that On January 28th 2017, we will be the proud owners of an 1869 Gothic Revival Church in the charming little town of Wellsburg, NY where we will peacefully and lovingly live as residents as well as carry on all of what we started through Heart Centered Living. And here is the clincher-the building that we had to evacuate in the middle of the Summer is the same square footage as the sanctuary and choir room and the area where we will be living in is 100 square feet more then where we are living now. I can’t help but feel this is a Cinderella Story for us and it is just beginning for us.

Erick has provided a link with pictures and we want to share our journey with you as it develops. So to start out, here are some pics of the place, the history, and location as well



Your generous donation helps support our ongoing mission to radiate love and healing
energy for the planet. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference.
Thank you for joining us in this sacred work!


Mary Beth · December 31, 2016 at 8:08 pm

So happy you will be closer!! I want to be on your email list too happy new year!

    Renee Guidelli · January 2, 2017 at 7:24 pm

    Me too Mary Beth, we have been saying one day it would be nice to meet up and now it is going to be for a little longer stay then we would have thought, I just sent you the latest email. Welcome and Happy New Year to you too (:

Jim Bryden · January 2, 2017 at 5:20 pm

Very few people are willing to bare their “souls” like you have here in your personal story.

I too feel very connected to the Asheville area… is certainly a “Sacred Place”.

Anxious to see how your’s and Eric’s story continues…….

Best to you both…..Jim

    Renee Guidelli · January 2, 2017 at 7:23 pm

    Thanks Jim, I am not afraid of taking people on the journey with me, I think that when the writer can open up about their experiences in a candid and real way, people begin to understand how the writer’s journey can be similar to their own and then it opens the space for dialogue, depth, and connection. The Mountains are a very special place to us and we know that will be another home for us some day-Like in our retirement years (: xoxo

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