Spiritual Subscription boxes are customized to meet your mind, body and spirit needs.


What really makes our subscription boxes unique and special is YOU ACTUALLY GET YOUR OWN HANDCRAFTED PERSONALIZED MESSAGE from each box. You will receive a message from your higher self, ancestors and or spirit guides telling me what is needed for your highest and best outcome at that time for each box and then I will proceed to put your box together according to Spirit’s instructions, carefully selecting each piece with love, light and attention to detail.


Well first and foremost items that make up the following material for your healing, growth, insights and manifestation purposes such as specific herbs, essential oils, crystals, gemstones, shells and flowers

Second your personalized spirit filled message with lots of  inspiration on how to embrace embody and connect with your higher self, ancestral spirits and soul’s knowing.

Thirdly, Surprises, and other  “spirited”  gifts that I am lead to put in as an added bonus either in that moment or somewhere along the process while tuning into your energy. .

And lots and lots of love, light and creative joy uniquely customized and authentic to you and for you.

Here are some examples of subscription boxes that have been sent out to satisfied and happy customers:

I love the grid, with necessities.   I was so excited!! I layed everything out, read through it all, set my intentions for more energy, motivation, ability to push through.  I LOVE the artwork!!!! I have definitely made progress, I am finding ways to push through whatever it is that is trying to stop me from moving forward.  Thank you, for SEEING me, and helping me remember who I am. Much Love, NIkki

The box was awesome. Thank you. WOW! The message is right on track with what I’m going through right now. Exactly what I needed to hear My favorite items were the stones and the picture of the sweet baby guardian angel. My intention was on healing myself and moving forward.  Everything was easy to understand and easy to set up. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in finding peace and healing. especially. Love and hugs 🤗 Lyn

I loved the pen and encouragement to write! And the essential oil spray helped me get centered. The specific prayer was exactly what I needed, and I love the pictures you cut out to include! Each one seemed to speak to me My intention is to connect with spirit guides to keep me on the correct path. The box helped with that! -Donna

I would recommend it to anyone looking to really delve into themselves, ready to do the work, or have done the work and looking for guidance.

I love it, as soon as I opened the box the smells were beautiful, euphoric. I love my scent-Christine

I loved the last box, it was a LOT of info!! I really enjoyed the offering. It helped me so much! The light workers creed w/rose quartz is such a comfort, I keep it by my bed.