“Transforming past life karma within a family’s generational bloodline”

Ancestral Healing goes all the way back to the root cause of a family trauma, pain or hurt or some sort. These type of traumas cause a “disconnect or what is known as a miasma” in the energy field making you feel stuck, drained, uneasy or a feeling like something just isn’t right and you just don’t know what it is. Making you feel  disconnected from life and many times source or spirit in general as well.

For example:Your great grandfather on your mothers side could have been a womanizer and had an affair with a young girl who was then forced to go into hiding because she was pregnant and no one could find out because your great grandfather was a very well known and respected dignitary in the town so that secret went to the grave with him resulting in an entanglement of lies, deception and untold stories due to fear of what others would say.


By tuning into your energy field I will then be able to read your history as well as your family’s history, (Past, present and future)

Let’s use the example from above:

1) There will be some form of energetic imprint  (this means some kind of negative thought pattern, belief or habit that was passed down) to you from your Mother.

2) Which might make you feel unworthy, or not good enough to pursue your dreams, goals and desires.

3) Resulting in unhappiness, no direction, and or even just plain no motivation to do anything.

Another possibility might be

1) You have a deep remorse or resentment towards the patriarchy or men in general

2) Resulting in relationships that don’t last or don’t even get off the ground.

Each person’s situation is very different depending on their circumstances and what life lessons they have come here to learn for their evolution and spiritual growth as well as their entire family as well.


I’ve been doing ancestral clearing, cleansing and healing for friends, family, and myself for the past few years.  One thing I’ve noticed is the negative beliefs that we carry from generation to generation that stay stuck in our bodies result in disease imbalance and unhealthy thoughts that have a direct impact on our health, wealth and happiness.

When you get to the root cause of what’s really going on you can move forward in life with grace, peace and joy and so can those on the other side

I’m always blown away when working with someone from the other side how their information and messages is the answer to a prayer or the key to someone’s happiness right in that moment. .


Here is what one fella said during one of our Ancestral Healing Sessions:

“I have known Renee personally and professionally for over 2 years now. It is clear from moment you meet her that she is a genuine person and deeply committed to helping people along their life path. I most recently enlisted her help for a genealogy project I was working on for my grandmother. Renee was able to connect with several of my deceased ancestors and describe them with pinpoint accuracy. What I found most helpful was her ability to locate negative DNA patterns that have been handed down through many generations of my family. Without any prior knowledge of my immediate family and their personality traits, Renee was able to connect these negative energy patterns with my current life situation. I was given specific exercises to perform to remedy the stagnant energy patterns and noticed incredible results. What I like most about working with Renee is that she seeks to empower you with the tools and the means to achieve your own success. I would recommend her to anyone looking to improve themselves physically, emotionally, or spiritually.”

Kyle, Health and Fitness Training Coach, YMCA


You see you not only have an individual purpose and destiny but so does your family as well, meaning there are patterns and events that were set in motion long long ago that are directly tied to your destiny within your family’s bloodline. When your loved ones die without passing that info on or doing what they originally came here to do then they can not go to the next level of their ascension on the other side either.  Therefore they need you to finish what was started especially if it’s tied into their destiny or in truth your family’s destiny.

I am committed to this process and mission. What about you? Because it starts with you. If you feel this kind of work is exactly what you need right now then reach out to me so we can get started. The sooner you do, the closer you will be to transforming your shadows into the light that you truly are and this in turn will indeed contribute to the entire existence of humanity in general creating a happy, peaceful and love filled planet for all.

To book an appointment for an Ancestral Healing Session, call 607-371-1912 or email

Ancestral Healing