In this session I am walked through a hypnosis session to meet my Galactic Family whereas they transmit healing, messages and answer questions that Dick, Marie and Erick have about Karma, Disclosure, and what God or Source energy is. Added bonus for me as I was being worked on physically and spiritually.

This particular session is a little different due to the nature of what was happening to me (in other words I was acting as a medium for the information to come through) but I was also experiencing quite a bit more than I expected.

This session gives you some insight as to how the channeling works for me (I could feel myself shape-shifting and going back and forth to who Renee was and who wanted to telepathically speak to me)

Again you will find this session quite enlightening and deeper into the conversation I become a medium where the Pleidians come through.

I learned alot as a channel and what to do for the next time. Also I am finding that after I come to from the session I need around 12-24 hours to re calibrate and integrate all of this energy.

I also found out a few days later when I was reflecting on this that these beings that were speaking with me and through me at times (including the healing transmission and galactic exercise to transmute any pain and suffering or memory that comes up that appears as negative) was brought forth through the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions. And that there were 8 of them. Perhaps that is the reason why I really was tapped out the next day.

While I am blessed to remember quite a bit of the feelings and experience this time around and especially after listening to this-It is the advice and counsel of Sound, Working in Pods and of course the really cool healing transmission exercise that has stayed with me most.

I do feel as though I will be incorporating a sound component to my next channeling session. Stay tuned. (literally and figuratively)


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