I sit here pining away for a loss that I really never had. Pining for a love that is far far gone and a wonder if I will ever get it back. I was going about my normal Tuesday after a some what normal Monday and just couldn’t shake this feeling of what happened in North Carolina. The devastation, the destruction and the lives lost.
It really hit me-and I thought that’s it, there is no more meandering the blue ridge mountain highway, stopping along the way to take pictures, hiking the falls, kissing the trees, and meeting and greeting very friendly mountain folk that love to tell you stories of how it all came to be.
For as long as I can remember I have been a mountain girl, take me to a spot in the woods where I can sit by a creek and view the peaks of the mountains while listening to the birds sing, the deer scurry way and the leaves rustle in the wind.
Asheville North Carolina and the areas around it, always called to me like hauntingly, I recall one night we were staying in a hotel in Hendersonville and as I was drifting to sleep the Mountains were speaking to me telepathically. I could see the lights in my mind’s eye which later I found to be called The Brown Mountain lights were Faeries or the little people (Which is what the Cherokee would call them) lived. That day I was compelled to go to the highest peak of Mt. Mitchell (See picture below) . I recall the air was so clean, fresh and clear that you felt like you were breathing in heaven itself. I sat with my pen and sketch pad in hand and began to let the landscape as far as my eye could see speak to me and then I wrote, I channeled actually about a “Community of Trees”. I did not know it at the time but I think that is what makes it so innocent and easy, I just let this energy, this larger than life entity speak to me and I knew that I had found a home away from home.
The Poem is called a Community of Trees.
You are an artist in a community of trees. The trees are old and strong, some are stubborn, others are wise beyond their years. What do these trees need from you? What can you give them? How do they nurture you back? There needs to be a council. A ring of leaders or leader to inspire educate and empower these trees. Those that are old show them where their youth lies. Those that are strong show them where it is OK to be vulnerable. And those that are stubborn guide them to be more flexible. And last of all those that are wise beyond their years listen… for they have great messages to tell. A message that needs to be heard in order to save our precious planet. Now you as the artist go out and speak to the trees remind them who they are, where they come from. Have a meeting of great counsel. All have a gift. All have a purpose. Work together cooperatively, respectfully And know source is with you working through you know that what comes back to you is recognition of your precious gifts: Abundance and prosperity all around.We the community of trees have spoken…Go in peace with love, light, truth and understanding we are all one. “Journal Entry October 2008” inspired by A trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville, NC. *
I know without a shadow of a doubt that Erick and I have lived here in a past life. I know without a shadow of a doubt we will be back there again in this life time. But for now, I hold council with those who are pining the loss of a place who’s mantra at one time stopped me dead in my tracks. “Altitude affects attitude” We will rise again. Asheville with rise again. Perhaps there is a reason why it is called ASHE-VILLE (Ash and She = The Phonenix) Perhaps Mother Nature will offer us another chance to get it right this time. And breathe life into the areas that need it most as we connect with the SHE.
At our last drum circle we ended up being able to send $100 monetary donation to a place called the Mother Grove Goddess who had boots on the ground and was distributing water, food and other sundries and items to those in need in the mountains. Erick just put up this article on the Heart Centered Living website after listening to our favorite Sunday afternoon radio station based out of Asheville. This article will shed some light on where you can donate and what if you so feel called to do so.

Until then, be well, live well and know that LOVE has to do with EVERYTHING.
Your generous donation helps support our ongoing mission to
radiate love and healing
energy for the planet. Every contribution, no matter the size,
makes a difference.
Thank you for joining us in this sacred work!