Today is the great celebration and festival of Lammas or Loafmass on the wheel of the year. This typically represents high summer and it’s when we receive our first harvest.
Grain harvests in particular. It is also a time of great abundance or bounty. We give thanks to the Grain Goddess for this bounty.
For those of us who follow the old ways of the Druids and Celtic legends it is also considered Lughnassadh ruled by the Celtic Sun God King whom is known as the God of Light all throughout August. Feasting, Fairs, Markets, and bonfires are under his watchful eye and presence along with circle dancing to honor the movement of the sun. (Kind of neat how many county fairs begin and end in August as a carry over from the Celtic ways don’t you think)
And alas we come to the Grain Mother, Earth Mother, Ceres and Demeter. She represents the ripe corn of this years harvest and her daughter Persephone represents the seed which drops back down into the earth-hidden deep in the earth during winter to re-emerge once again in the Spring. And the cycle begins all over again.
This is a wonderful day to go out and harvest your grains, pick your yellow flowers, bake a bread and honor both Lugh and the Grain Goddess by holding a bonfire. I have made corn dolls in the past as well from the dried corn stalks too and placed on my altar.
But most of all, as in with any harvest, reflect on what your grateful for that has come or is coming to fruition and give thanks for that which is not. Recognizing what you reap you sow and what you sow you reap from a place of gratitude and abundance.
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