Many of us may recall a time when we were young and were told that all of our wishes, dreams, and desires could come true, if we just would simply believe and follow our heart, and then very lovingly a mother, or grandmother, aunt or uncle would touch our heart as if that very act of touching could manifest what we wanted right before our very eyes.
Somewhere along the way, we have forgotten that not only the act of dreaming, wishing and having desires of the heart , but the act of touching that very essence which makes everything impossible, possible..
Why is it that there are 24 hours in a day, and we still can’t allow ourselves at least 10 minutes out of our daily routine to wish upon a star, or dream a little dream, or allow our heart’s desire to take flight?
Well I am here to tell you those days are long gone, the days I am talking about are the ones where we have such a huge to do list to get through before we even get to our bucket list (Which I think undoubtedly needs to be called our wish list (Because bucket list is associated with What we feel we need to do or have to do before we well I guess as some say kick the bucket) which really does not start percolating in our brains until we are probably in our elder years.
And yet we have been wishing and dreaming since we were young enough to have Twinkle Twinkle little star sung to us-right? So I like to think that those moments when we were younger, wishing and dreaming were really the jewels of our heart just waiting to be heard, seen and felt and that someday when I am older- I would find time to not only uncover and excavate those jewels, but wear them for the whole world to see, feel and experience. Now that has a little better ring to it than the so-called bucket list doesn’t it? But by all means keep your b-list going just add a wish list to it as well.
So that is what I want to do with you right now make a list of all the wishes, and dreams that you have had since you were a child and start writing them down.
Please note this is not the same as goals, or resolutions, or plans –I am sure if you are like me you have been working on those little ditties since the beginning of the New Year with great intent, energy, and I am sure persistence and doing quite well at it I’m sure.
*Grab your pen and paper and make a list right now:
If you don’t know what to write down then read the next paragraph for inspiration.
I am asking you to humor me for a moment, get crazy, have fun use your imagination and start writing down things that maybe in a million years you might never do but have ALWAYS wanted to: maybe some examples might be: Take a trip across the country, Go skinny dipping in the nearest lake by yourself under a starry moonlight night, Have dinner with Oprah so you can tell her how you really feel? Finally get that book published, or gather up the gumption to tell that very special person in your life that you are head over heels in love with them? Really really wish upon a star like you did when you were just a child-put that on your list,-use color, make it bold, let it flow and then let it go. When you are done-hold up what you wrote and really take it all in, really engage your senses, feel it, taste it, smell it, BE IT. Notice how you feel looking at this newfound, beautiful, creation that has been wanting its very own expression.
Now I want you to pick one thing on this list that really speaks to you right now, one thing that might jump off the page and grab YOUR attention, one thing that you have written that is shouting “pick me, pick me,” but you keep trying to push it aside hoping some other prettier and shinier jewel might come up and take it’s place. There are no accidents here-just go with one scenario, one wish, one dream and let’s run with it together starting now!
The meditation to manifest your wish list
Close your eyes, and get really, really comfortable, you might still feel the excitement or even the fear of all that you wrote down or even just one of the things you wrote down. Just simply acknowledge those feelings and then let them go.
Now take a few deep breaths in, focusing on the breath-feeling it leave the nostrils and then coming back in. I want you to pick a color that resonates with you right now feel it as the air comes back into your nostrils. Any color is the right color for you-simply observe the color coming into your body, filling it up with all sorts of ooey, gooey, goodness, then notice how you feel when it leaves your body. Continue to energize your breath and your body with this particular color.
Now imagine roots extending down the core or trunk of your body like a tree pushing itself out of your feet going down to touch the core of the earth, feel the beautiful, cleansing, earth energy from the earth’s heart.
Can you feel the connection-Now bring that same rooted, beautiful, cleansing colorful energy out through the top of your head as if reaching the heavens-with the understanding as above, so below.
Just simply follow that image as you imagine yourself rooted in this motherly love from below and fatherly love from above. Feel how grounded, centered, protected and taken care of you are in this moment.
Now, in this space, I want you to recall a pleasant memory from childhood, or a time where everything was right in the world, perhaps you were out in nature, playing with some friends, taking a walk with a loved one-allow yourself to recall this memory in your mind’s eye, notice what you might be wearing? Look around and see if there are others with you and what your immediate environment looks like? How would you describe what you were doing if someone would ask you? How does it make you feel? Bring your attention to your heart and notice if there is an energy, feeling or symbol there at this time? If so Simply acknowledge it in a state of gratitude as if thanking “it” for showing up for you today, If not then imagine what you want that “it” to be -try and give words, or meaning to what this “it” might be as if “it is very real, very alive and wants you to know something very special about you, your dreams and wishes of days gone by. Allow it to speak to you as if it is a long, lost friend with a message that has been long awaited for you to hear, see and feel. (when you feel as though you have been given a gift of insight, wisdom, or remembrance) once again be in a state of gratitude for allowing yourself to be receptive to this information-be in a state of gratitude that floods your entire being that allows not only the planting but the sprouting of these new found jewels in your heart. And when you are ready, take a moment to acknowledge the motherly roots from below, and the fatherly love from above, allowing the roots, the energy, and the experience to dissipate into the newness of what’s to come. Then slowly bring yourself back to this room, opening your eyes, touching the floor if you need to, and with pen in hand if you wish-relish and write the “high”points of this experience
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