Hello, this post is an audio recording of a channeled message given to me on March 28th 2022 at 4:30 AM. It was written in my journal first and then read out loud as a recording. How I receive my channeled messages: I have been writing since I was 14 it started as just simply keeping a “dear diary” dialogue and then turned into much more through the years leading up to channeling and even what is considered trans channeling at times-where I am unaware of what I am saying and appear to have some what left my body in order for a higher frequency entity or energy to come through me. Through the years I would do automatic writing after having a conversation with my lower self/ego or shadow self which would eventually lead to my higher self stepping in. This would progress to various types of channeled energies or beings ranging from Mary Magdalene to most recently the Galactic Federation of light. My first real channeling took place in 2012 with the Elohim. Many others have come through for me and I have learned to ask who or what their names are in order to know what kind of energy I am working with. There is always a message for me, the group that I am working with (say like if I am teaching a class or meeting with a spiritual group on a regular basis) as well as humanity in general. I have also recently been urged to take up doing channeled psychic healing readings where either your higher self and or soul aspect of you in another era is ready to make “contact” with you either on planet or off. This takes a session to a whole new level. I have included part of the message to me about how my work is changing and how I work with others in the context of this message as it came to me through my channeling. Prior to this: I was working out a very “ho hum” kind of feeling that was persistent with me for about a week and what eventually became the catalyst for the following channeling:

Here is what I wrote: At the end of the day-It really is none of my business where other people choose to put their time and energy too.

It is not my business what others say about me or to me.

All that matters is what I do with the information that is given to me-If I judge it, I judge myself. If I fear it, I fear myself. If I allow love in to cradle and hold me-I love myself, I cradle myself, I hold myself in that love.

At the end of the day-What matters most is how I choose to use my energy.

I choose love, It has always been and will always be you! That is my responsibility as a human creation of pure God-Source Energy.

I am responsible for my own energy and I mustn’t let others think otherwise. That is not fair to them and it’s certainly not fair to me. For then I miss the lesson, the gift and the growth.

And so the channeling begins here-as a new energy came forth and shifted me from a higher self conversation into my “healing helper team” in the galactic realm offering their transmission, love and wisdom to me. This is from my journal entry dated back on March 28th 2022
Please note this image was taken from the internet-I do not know the artists name.


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