We have known for a while that the way we have been operating in the world was never going to sustain us.
We have watched structures built on greed, lies and fear crumble before our eyes knowing there has been and is a better way for us waiting in the winds… waiting to be created once again.
Today marks 17 days where life as we know it has stood still, yet even longer for thousands and millions of people all over the world. We have watched and waited in anticipation to see what is next?
This time of great pause has lent us an opportunity to dig deep and find out what matters most.
This opportunity has brought out the worst and best in us at any given moment day or night.
A roller coaster of emotions of highs and lows hopes and fears in one deep swoop disappears in a minute to be replaced with a feeling of acceptance and grief of that which was and will never be the same.
And why would we want to go back to being the same?
What do we learn from this great pause? as a people? as one planet?
When one person tugs on one strand of the web do not think you were not affected by that tug and when one tree is cut down in the forest and you were not there do not dare think you do not hear it.
Ancient Prophecies foretold back millions of years that a time would come where we would wake up and remember why we are here.
Remember who we are and what we have come here to do-I do not see this as defeat I see this as a second chance, a reset, another opportunity to get it right.
I see the potential of the human spirit rising up and re-creating a world with (our children’s children) for generations to come so that when our history goes down in the books-we can be the ones that “finally” got it right in midst of all the wrongs.
If you enjoyed this article and would like to read something similar, check out What the world needs now is love sweet love.
In love and servitude for the planet,
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