Do you lay awake at night wondering how you can get more out of the hours in your day?

Do you have difficulty figuring out what it is that you DO want, but KNOW EXACTLY what you don’t want?

Do you finally want to be aware of the things that trip you up in life so that you can either avoid them or come up with a plan to counteract them?

You Transformed is a self-discovery guide that hones in on what makes UP YOU.

Discover how to live a life of personal balance and fulfillment in the Journey for the re-balanced life section.

Identify who and what is draining your energy on your journey for your re-nourished body.

Learn how to use affirmations the right way so you can clear up that stinking thinking once and for all in the journey for your re-focused mind.

Here is a sample taken from the journey for your re-focused mind section.

Fact: A single negative word or thought-spoken out loud or even repeated internally will re-lease so many stress chemicals that it can over time cause damage.

But if you are mindful or even medidate on a positive word or phrase, you will turn on specific genes that lower physical and emotional stress. Now I don’t know about you but I am all over that kind of positive change.

Each of the 5 Journey sections equip you with facts to solidify the focus for that section.

Every section offers questions for you to answer right there on the spot, as well as give you written opportunities to reflect, review and understand your own natural rhythms and reasons why you do certain things,and when.

You Transformed, Is 20 years worth of inspirational, empowering and real practical guidance to re-balance your life, re-focus your mind, re-ignite your spirit and so much more that I have personally used with clients, students and even myself still to create a happier, healthier, well balanced life.

Consisting of 35 glorious pages that you can actually touch, dog ear your favorite pages, write your wishes in it, draw, color and even paste pictures to make it into a portable vision board if you want. Not to mention you can pop it in your bag and take with you wherever you go for inspiration, and right on the spot advice (especially if you have a big meeting or day planned where you need a little extra encouragement, confidence and clarity)

Get yours sign, sealed and shipped to you today for $17.99






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