Come on out, turn on your Heart Lights, and experience some of the Magic with us at The Heart Light Center: .
Here is what we have lined up for April and part of May: Please note we will be adding classes, events and gatherings as they come up. If you would like to teach something or have an idea for our program you would like to see please let us know by contacting us below. Your Heart Light Journey awaits you……..
You can download and print off the calendar here: April 2018
Spring Calendar of Events:
Monday April 9th 12:30-3 Intuitive Development Group -Creating w/ Light $20
You will learn the actual steps it takes to connect the dots or light strands from us (our mind, body and spirit) to whatever it is that we desire in that very moment.
Please come prepared with a journal and writing utensil and something you are looking for guidance on or want to have happen this month.
Each class consists of a handout, the guided meditation, sharing time, group prayer/meditation With an optional 1/2 hour before 12:30-1:00 and 1/2 hour after socialize, give messages, share gifts etc. 2:30-3:00.
*CANCELLED* Friday April 20th 7:00-8:30 Hearts of Ministry Worship Service LOVE IS IN THE EARTH What is Earth Day what does it mean to us? During this time where everyone is getting ready to celebrate this big blue majestic marble, how can we better listen to what she wants from us, and how can we be better stewards of the earth not only for each other but for the future of our planet. Join us for a very energizing, audience participatory inspiring service around “LOVE IN THE EARTH” Drums or other percussion instruments are welcomed as well as stones to place on the community altar.
Monday April 23rd 12:30-3 Intuitive Development Group –Connecting w/ the Universe $20.
You will learn the actual steps it takes to work with the grid and lay lines of the universe whether you are outside taking a walk in nature, or at home in the comfort of your own sacred space. As we begin to understand how to connect with the universe we not only change our destiny but our planets as well.
Please come prepared with a journal and writing utensil and something you are looking for guidance on or want to have happen this month.
Each class consists of a handout, the guided meditation, sharing time, group prayer/meditation With an optional 1/2 hour before 12:30-1:00 and 1/2 hour after socialize, give messages, share gifts etc. 2:30-3:00.
Tuesday April 24th 6-8 NATURES JOURNEY Presents “Expressive heARt inspirations” Series $20 Each or $60 for all 4 using color, crafts, expression and intention to explore your feelings, intuition, fairy, priestess and child-like nature. Make and Take Intentional Items.
*April 24th Bloom where your planted-(In honor of Earth day) Make and Take
Its that super special time of the year again, where we start to harness the magical energy all around us.
In this make and take manifestation class Tuesday, April 24th, 6-8 we look at what is the true meaning behind your name, gather symbols, words, phrases and images to attach to your pot, and plant some seeds to ensure what you want to bloom in your life does so. You can access the registration page and find out more about it here:
*May 1st Make a Fairy Wand (In honor of May Day) Make and Take
Craft yourself a fairy wand using beads, baubles, ribbons and bows, You can never have too much magic in your life. Just remember its not the wand that the magic comes from but the holder of it. $20.00 Comes with a complimentary bottle of fairy dust (turn it into a necklace for an additional $5.00)
You can pay for this class or all 4 here: (Buy 4 get one free)
*May 8th What’s Your Signature Scent (In honor of Mother’s Day)
Did you know that each and everyone of us has a special “signature scent” and that you can TUNE into what that scent is by allowing your inner guidance to lead the way. In this make and take you combine scents, intentions and magical gemstone pieces to create a “match made in heaven” scent for you. You might just end up calling it HEAVEN SCENT (: Make one for your Mom for an additional $20 and package it up for her for Mother’s Day)
You can pay for this class here or all 4 (Buy 4 get one free)
And keeping with the trend and magic of high vibing energies, you can harness the New Moon Energy to create an “Energy Activation” known as Gridding to either use for health and wellness, prosperity consciousness, or harmonious relationships. Comes with your own Flower of Life Activation grid and 4 “special” gemstones.
*Please note that each make and take includes instruction, a guided visualization, and all materials for one item per person. If you decide to make another item as a gift or want extra materials you can pay for that the day of the class.
We look forward to you sharing our HeART Inspirations with all of us <3
**If you have an idea for a make and take class or would like to offer one in the near future, feel free to shoot me an email at with the details.
You can pay for this class here or all 4 (Buy one get all 4 free)
Sunday April 29th 4:00-5:30 Metaphysical meet up-$8.00 (4th Sunday of the Month) Working with your Pendulum for Personal Empowerment
This is a perfect opportunity for like-minded intuitive men and women to get together to learn, practice and share with each other in a safe sacred space. Each month we focus on a specific tool used in divination after a brief meditation. Our first tool of choice will be the Pendulum. Used for centuries as a type of GPS system to change the frequency, energy and vibration of a person, place or specific thing. Please bring a pendulum to dowse with, something to write with and a notebook.$8.00 gathering fee.
To sign up for classes you can click on the links above or check out events on our Heart Light Center facebook page,
To schedule a session or if you would like a tour you can call Renée at 607-371-1912. Questions, comments or concerns can always be emailed at
Your Heart Light Journey Awaits you………………………….
Your generous donation helps support our ongoing mission to
radiate love and healing
energy for the planet. Every contribution, no matter the size,
makes a difference.
Thank you for joining us in this sacred work!