Happy Summer Everyone, Can you feel it? The Warmth of the Sun revitalizing your senses, your solar plexus and your SOUL?
Can you feel a passion for life igniting your body and spirit like a flame.
Everything Blooms and Ripens now-it is the time of greatest light and warmth
To celebrate this exuberant season use these words:
Summer’s Watchwords: Abundant, Fiery, Fresh, Fruity, Hot, Juicy, Rich, Ripe, Succulent, Opulent
Summer’s Scents and Tastes: Freshly Cut Cucumbers, Food cooking on the grill, Watermelon, Crushed mint, tangy taste of lemon and limes, new-mown grass, fresh basil.
Here are some fun facts about the Summer Solstice or Litha
Litha the Summer Solstice, is the longest day of the year, When it arrives between June 20-23 the intensity of this brief moment just can’t help but enter into our hearts.
We have only this one chance a year to celebrate the glorious, vibrant circle of the sun at its strongest and most powerful, and the energy we generate during this time will remain as a warming reminder when the Sun begins its inevitable decline toward Autumn.
We honor the Solstice with a Fierce Joy-Make crowns from daisies,hold hands and dance in a circle sun wise to honor the cycle and greet that fiery life-giving circle across the skies. I am always reminded of the fiery energy of the dragon around this time as well to help give me the jump start I need.
This is me posing in front of a great big mural of a dragon with my favorite dragon queen dress on. You can see a fuller picture of the mural as well as some other fun shots I did with a dear photographer friend who really could see my true colors. The sword was made and given to me by my son as a Christmas present a few years back.
Here as Mother of the Dragons I am protecting my wee one below by my feet, I love the fierceness of this one because as A Mother of a then 21 year old I took that role very seriously. But I also felt that I could embody the role as a fierce mother protector in general as well. (For the world’s children as well as the earth herself) This was a fun photo shoot to do and it really helped me engage my 3rd chakra and personal power zone which is all about the energy of the Summer. How can the summer sun work for you once you focus its energy on the right and beautiful path that is waiting for you?
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