The Magic of Mid Winter

*Imbolc is considered the middle of the winter, where we start to feel alive again, and look forward to Spring while also holding the healing peace of Winter.

Imbolc’s meaning

It  is taken from the words for “ewe’s milk” or in the belly. Because pregnant sheep began to lactate at this time. Our Groundhog day with it’s anticipation of Spring, is a leftover from the Celtic belief that magical animals come out of hibernation now.

Beloved Brighid

Imbolc  is devoted to Brighid, a fiery ancient Goddess of poetry, smithcraft, and healing. We need the fires of Brighid now as an antidote to the blah’s of endless gray days, endless cold, endless ice and dirty snow and Brighid is all about the transformative power of fire; fire in the poet’s mind, fire in the forge, fire in the healer’s hands.

Imbolc is the perfect day to write a poem, or to make a special craft or perform hands-on healing for some one you love.

Fire Ritual

It is most appropriate to light a candle, call in Brighid (As the keeper of the flame) and ask her to help you find the energy, the time, and the inspiration to finish those projects which you started.

Water Ritual

You may also take out a piece of paper and write what you know is shifting and growing inside of you; dip it in water a few times and then place in the freezer until solid; Then over the next few weeks, take it out every once in a while to let it melt to be reminded of movement, changes and the shifting energy going on underground and within you as well. 

Because Brighid is my patron Goddess,  I wish to offer you this poem I wrote to her back February 2, 2011 when I was in need of inspiration, healing, direction and a little spark.I hope that it SPARKS SOMETHING IN YOU TOO.

*Traditionally Imbolc is celebrated on February 1st, but I tend to celebrate it on the 2nd-As I tend to communicate best with the Goddess on 2 and 22 days. So feel free to celebrate on the day that feels best for you.


Need a little bit more SPARK in your life? Treat YOURSELF to a  SHINE healing session and IGNITE THE SPARK within you!!

Do you have 15 minutes to spare? Listen to this mp3 on Divining the Sacred Feminine

Check out more Goddess Goodies here



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