Embracing and Embodying the Goddess Within

9 hours of class time Awakening, Embodying and Embracing your Sacred Feminine/Goddess/Priestess Presence

Goddess with open arms

Learn easy and fun techniques that bring happiness, prosperity and peace to your life
Accelerate the frequency of your own Goddess/Priestess self
Invoke, and Invite the Goddess and Sacred Feminine into all areas of your life
Amplify your psychic and intuitive gifts
Receive energetic upgrades, DNA healing, and infusion of your Divine mission and purpose
Consciously Co-create with the Goddess from the Cosmic Heart
Lessons emphasize basic skills and reveal inner knowledge through hands-on experience, meditations and exercises. Coursework is both experiential and academic in nature.
The Three Parts of the Lessons are:

Goddess Guide Me

Experience Joyous guided journeys that connect you to various Goddesses that purify, heal and bless for inspiration, healing and empowerment.


Create Sacred Tangible tools that remove energy blockages so that you can intend and manifest your true hearts desires.

Story Telling.

Rekindle the fire of the stories of the old days and old ways of the Goddess that still hold true today from Egypt, Sumeria, Ireland, and Avalon.

1st Class-Your Sacred Self
Connecting with your Body’s Sacred Wisdom.

Class 1 focuses on Connecting with your body’s Sacred wisdom.

Through touch, sound, and being receptive to the call of the Goddess we embrace our Sacred Goddess self.

The first class serves essentially as a foundation for daily practice.

Students observe the seasons, connect with the moon, and begin to work with the Triple Goddess Aspect.

Wish Craft: We end our class making Goddess symbols crafted from Clay.


2nd Class-Your Sacred Home
Clearing and Blessing your Sacred Hearth and Home.

Class 2 focuses on Clearing and blessing your space so that it is supportive, nurturing and fun for all who inhabit it.

In doing so you make sure that there is a ritual and practice in place for the Goddess to inhabit your sacred home.

We explore the various meanings of Sacred Space and Altar and how it is directly connected to your home and your family.

Students observe the various types of altars, ritual tools used, and spaces created for different times of the year.

Wish Craft: We end our class making a Light Vessel for you Altar in your home.

3rd Class-Your Sacred Sisterhood

Building a safe sacred circle of sisterhood

Class 3 focuses on Sacred Sisterhood where we begin to reach out beyond ourselves into the Heart of the Goddess community.

We deepen our understanding of relationships, energy work, and what it takes to bring the Goddess ways back into the world forever.

Students observe various Goddess “trendsetters and leaders” in the world that are active today and how to emanate them.

This will also be our dedication fire ceremony.

Wish Craft: We end our series by making a Group Inspired Project Together.

Each lesson is truly a blessing for those yearning to reclaim and embrace the goddess way of being.

You can download the flyer here for dates, times, and location of this current series. Goddess Flyer

 Woman Spirit Rising Sessions

Temple of the Goddess Sacred Tools


Your generous donation helps support our ongoing mission to radiate love and healing
energy for the planet. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference.
Thank you for joining us in this sacred work!


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