If you are anything like me you realize that with each new season comes new responsibilities.Many of us have been taught that with Spring comes Spring Cleaning!
What does Spring Cleaning Mean to you?
But what does that truly mean to you? And how can you go about doing it without the moaning, and groaning that you have (possibly) made yourself accustomed to in the past?
 For me this can be a wonderful, creative and liberating process. But it was not always that way, I don’t do well with pressure, as a matter of fact more and more I am using the mantra Pleasure over pressure and it really is helping me see “MY RESPONSIBILITIES in a NEW LIGHT” without the pressure and stress.
As a matter of fact, I look at Spring Cleaning more like like sweeping away the dust and cobwebs so that what is already there can SHINE brighter TO BE SEEN IN A NEW LIGHT.  
Then I am ready to dig a little deeper and let go of even more stuff and baggage that is weighing me down. You see its not like I am not going to get back what I am getting rid of or losing or even CHOOSING to let go of. No I know that whats going in its place can be even better than what I got rid of.
I trust that process very much, because I allow that to happen.
What about you?
What are you ready to get rid of that is no longer serving you?
This can be tangible items that just don’t bring you joy anymore like books, clothes, and gadgets that have been lying around and collecting dust for years
Or old habits that you are ready to be rid of
Take some time to really reflect on this and then make a plan to MAKE IT HAPPEN, its funny it takes more work to do NOTHING then do something, and its not in the way that we would normally think it is.
The world is set up for us to live happily connected to the natural rhythms and flow of life-Find your rhythm, find your flow, and all will FALL INTO PLACE so that YOU CAN SPRING INTO ACTION!
Happy Springing, <3 <3 <3 ,

If you like this article, but are still looking for a little bit more motivation to help you spring into action, check out  Start Where you Are,

Renee Guidelli is a life coach, motivational speaker and the founder of Heart Centered Living where she offers services, products and events that inspire, balance and empower motivated men and woman that want to live a Heart Centered Life. She has been working with individuals and groups of people for over 15 years helping them make positive changes so that they can live their best life  in their lives. If you are interested in a free consultation to see how she can help you email her at reneeguidelli@frontiernet.net.


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